Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Daily GK and Daily Current Affairs Quiz: 29 Jan 2014

1. Prime Minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh inaugurated National Waqf Development Corporation Limited (NAWADCO) on 29 January 2014. It is a new Central Public Sector Enterprise in New Delhi and will be under the Ministry of Minority Affairs. NAWADCO has been established with an authorized share capital of Rs.500 Crore. On which committee's recommendation it has been established?
[Category: India Current Affairs]
[A] Sachar Committee
[B] Khera Committee
[C] Ganguly Committee
[D] Iyengar Committee

2. Which country's Prime Minister Mykola Azarov resigned on 28 January 2014 in order to facilitate peaceful settlement of the political crisis?
[Category: World Politics Current Affairs]
[A] Sudan
[B] Lebanon
[C] Ukraine
[D] Uganda

3. In a key step towards promoting renewable energy among corporate India, the GPMDG was launched on a nationwide basis in New Delhi on Wednesday, 29 Jan 2014. The GPMDG - India is a joint initiative of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and World Resources Institute (WRI) and supported by Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation. What does GPMDG stands for?
[Category: Latest GK Current Affairs]
[A] Growing Power Market Development Group
[B] Green Power Market Development Group
[C] Green Power Management Development Group
[D] Green Power Multi Design Group

4. In a first of its kind venture, six public sector undertakings (PSUs) including state-run Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) and Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) on Wednesday, 29 Jan 2014, announced joining hands to set up world’s largest 4,000 MW ultra mega solar power project in which state?
[Category: Bank GK Current Affairs]
[A] Haryana
[B] Uttar Pradesh
[C] Punjab
[D] Rajasthan

5. Internet giant Google purchased a British start-up, an artificial intelligence company, on 27 January 2014. Can you name the company?
[Category: Business GK Current Affairs]
[A] Fusiontics
[B] Impromptu
[C] DeepMind Technologies
[D] Impermium

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