Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Online GK Current Affairs Quiz - 3 December 2013

1. On 2nd Dec 2013, Political parties in Jammu and Kashmir have united against the BJP prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi over his call for debate on the special status to Jammu and Kashmir enshrined in Constitution under which article?
[Category: Indian Political Current Affairs]
[A] Article 170
[B] Article 270
[C] Article 370
[D] Article 470

2. Amazon.com Inc Chief Executive Officer Jeff Bezos made a splash on Sunday, 1st Dec 2013, with his radical plan to deliver goods to millions of its customers' doors by using a fleet of unmanned drone. The vehicles could be used to deliver packages up to 2.3 kg in less than 30 minutes within a 10-mile (16-km) radius of Amazon's fulfillment centers. What name has been given to this service by Amazon?
[Category: Tech Latest Current Affairs]
[A] Ama Air
[B] Prime Air
[C] AmazonAir
[D] Robo Air

3. On 30 November 2013, which state introduced PVC Electoral Photo Identity Card (PVC EPIC) as mandated by the Election Commission of India and hence become the first state in the country to introduce the newly designed EPIC?
[Category: India Current Affairs]
[A] Tripura
[B] Nagaland
[C] Chattisgarh
[D] Rajasthan

4. On 3rd Dec 2013, India successfully test-fired indigenously developed nuclear-capable Prithvi-II missile with a strike range of 350 km from a test range at Chandipur in Odisha as part of a user trial by defence forces. What type of missile is Prithvi-II?
[Category: Indian Current Affairs]
[A] Surface to Air
[B] Air to Air
[C] Air to Surface
[D] Surface to Surface

5. The latest 'red list' of endangered bird species released by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) includes how many Indian bird species which include the Great Indian Bustard, the Indian Vulture and Siberian cranes(All three are in the 'critically endangered' (CR) category)?
[Category: Banking Exams Current Affairs]
[A] 10
[B] 12
[C] 15
[D] 17

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