Friday, December 6, 2013

Daily GK and Current Affairs Quiz - 6 December 2013

1. On January 31, 2013 NGT had banned dumping of debris including construction material into Yamuna and had directed the states of Delhi and Uttar Pradesh to remove the rubble immediately while making such an offence punishable with a fine of Rs five lakh. But the Centre on 5th Dec 2013 informed the NGT that debris have not been completely removed from the area along river Yamuna despite its orders. What does NGT stands for?
[Category: Indian Current Affairs]
[A] National Green Treaty
[B] National Grameen Tribunal
[C] New Green Tribunal
[D] National Green Tribunal

2. Which company launched its premium European brand Vredestein to cater to high-end cars and SUVs in India?
[Category: Business Current Affairs]
[A] Apollo Tyres
[B] MRF Tyres
[C] Goodyear India Ltd.
[D] Ceat Ltd

3. On 4 December 2013, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) decided to maintain the same oil output per day as in 2013 for the year 2014. The decision was taken at the 164th meeting of OPEC Oil Ministers in Vienna, Austria on 4 December 2013. What is the output to be maintained?
[Category: MBA Current Affairs]
[A] 10 million barrel per day
[B] 20 million barrel per day
[C] 30 million barrel per day
[D] 40 million barrel per day

4. Which country launched the Chang'e 3 lunar probe incorporating a robotic lander and Jade Rabbit rover on 2nd Dec 2013?
[Category: World Current Affairs]
[B] Germany
[C] India
[D] China

5. A case for allegedly hurting religious sentiments was lodged at Kotwali police station following a complaint by Hasan Raza Khan Noori Miyan, son of the 'sajjadanasheen' of Dargah-e -Ala Hazrat Maulana Subhan Raza Khan Subhani Miyan, who objected to certain tweets by this person against clerics on November 6. Against whom this FIR has been lodged on 5th Dec 2013?
[Category: India Current Affairs]
[A] Salman Rushdie
[B] Tasleema Nasreen
[C] Zakir Naik
[D] Isioma Daniel

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