Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November Current Affairs Questions Answers Quiz - 19 November 2013

1. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) said on Monday, 18 November 2013, that it would provide liquidity support to micro and small enterprises to help them tide over difficulties they might face due to the economic slowdown. The central bank will provide the support through the Small Industrial Development Bank of India (SIDBI) in the form of refinancing of loans. The refinance will be available against receivables, including export receivables, outstanding as on Nov 14, 2013 onwards. What is the amount which would be provide as a liquidity support to SMEs?
[Category: Business Current Affairs]
[A] Rs 2000 Crore
[B] Rs 3000 Crore
[C] Rs 4000 Crore
[D] Rs 5000 Crore

2. According to the report on 18 Nov 2013, the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority or PEMRA has imposed the fine of 1 crore for airing Indian and foreign content more than the permissible limits on the few entertainment channels and sent them letters, warning them against such practice in the future. How many channels were fined?
[Category: World Current Affairs]
[A] 5
[B] 10
[C] 15
[D] 20

3. Which state government is considering adding a lesson on Sachin Tendulkar in school syllabus so that the children are inspired by his life and achievements?
[Category: India Current Affairs]
[A] Uttar Pradesh
[B] Karnataka
[C] Maharashtra
[D] Gujarat

4. On 18th Nov 2013, the Reserve Bank of India fell short of its target on liquidity enhancement as it bought about 77% of the targeted Rs 8,000 crore of bond purchases as it did not accept bids at higher yield levels. RBI bought government securities worth 6,157 crore from total bids of 13,765 crore received from investors through OMO. What is OMO?
[Category: Finance Current Affairs]
[A] Open Market Operations
[B] Opex Market Operations
[C] Open Measurement Operations
[D] Operative Market Offer

5. The first branch of India's first all-women bank - Bharatiya Mahila Bank, will be opened on Tuesday, 19-November-2013. The branch is part of the seven branches across the country that will be inaugurated by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Congress president Sonia Gandhi via video conferencing from Mumbai. The government has targeted setting up of 25 such branches across the country by March 31, 2014. Where is the first branch getting opened today?
[Category: India Current Affairs]
[A] Mumbai
[B] New Delhi
[C] Bhopal
[D] Lucknow

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