Sunday, September 22, 2013

September 2013 Current Affairs Quiz

1. UP Govt has passed prohibitory orders in entire Faizabad to stop the Vishwa Hindu Parishad activists, who plan to launch which yatra on Sunday, 22 Sep 2013?
[Category: India Politics Current Affairs]
[A] Chaurasi Kosi Parikrama Yatra
[B] Pachaas Kosi Parikrama Yatra
[C] Gyarah Kosi Parikrama Yatra
[D] Panch Kosi Parikrama Yatra

2. On Saturday, 21 Sep 2013, a Chinese court has found disgraced former top politician guilty of bribery, embezzlement and abuse of power. The former party chief of Chongqing was sentenced to life imprisonment, but has the right to appeal. Can you name him?
[Category: World Politics Current Affairs]
[A] Bo Xilai
[B] Bo Yuan
[C] Bo Chuang
[D] Bo Hatton

3. A barrage of gunfire erupted on 22 Sep 2013, Sunday morning from the upscale Kenyan mall where there is a hostage stand-off with Islamic extremist attackers, according to Associated Press journalists at the scene. Somalia's radical rebel group, claimed responsibility for the attack in which they specifically targeted non-Muslims. Can you name this terrorist group?
[Category: World Current Affairs]
[A] al-Mujahidein
[B] al-Qaida
[C] al-Shabab
[D] al-Hukamat

4. Which party recorded a landslide victory in the first local elections in 25 years in northern Sri Lanka on Sunday, 22 Sep 2013?
[Category: Politics Current Affairs]
[A] United Peoples Freedom Alliance
[B] Tamil National Alliance
[C] Sinhalese National Party
[D] Srilankan National Congress

5. A new Indian airline planned by the giant Tata Group and __________ has applied for Foreign Investment Promotion Board approval . Tata Group will hold a majority 51-percent stake in the full-service carrier while the foreign partner will hold 49 percent as they seek to exploit one of the fastest-growing aviation markets globally.
[Category: Business Current Affairs]
[A] Singapore Airline
[B] Malaysian Airline
[C] Silk Air
[D] Thai Airways

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