Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Online GK Quiz - 24 July 2013

1. Which line separates Afghanistan from India?
[Category: Geography GK]
[A] Macmohan Line
[B]Durand Line
[C]Radcliff Line
[D]Panchsheel Line

2. The Parliament of Japan is known as
[Category: Exams GK]
[A] Diet

3. In which dynasty's reign Confucianism arose?
[Category: History GK]
[A] Han Dynasty
[B]Chou Dynasty
[C]Shang Dynasty
[D]Chin dynasty

4. Which one of the following civilizations was the first to introduce a system of selecting public officials on the basis of education and competitive examination?
[Category: History GK]
[A] Chinese civilization
[B]Roman civilization
[C]Aryan civilization
[D]Greek civilization

5. Khajuraho is in which state of India?
[Category: UPSC GK]
[A] Madhya Pradesh
[D]Uttar Pradesh


Unknown said...

Pls uplaod some quiz papers after 25 july.

Unknown said...

Pls uplaod some quiz papers after 25 july.