Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Daily Current Affairs News Quiz - 16 July 2013

1. RBI on Tuesday, 16 July 2013, raised lending rates for commercial banks by 2% to 10.25% making the loans costlier. The Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) rate has also been increased to 10.25% from current 8.25%. Repo rate has been left unchanged. MSF allows banks to borrow money from the central bank at a higher rate when there is significant liquidity crunch. When was MSF introduced in Indian Banking System?
[Category: Bank Current Affairs]
[A] 2002-03
[B] 2006-07
[C] 2011-12
[D] 2012-13

2. Which German lock manufacturing company on Tuesday, 16 July 2013, launched its new product range, KeyGarage, for the Indian market?
[Category: MBA Current Affairs]
[D] Lockheed Corp

3. Nasa's Hubble telescope discovers new Neptune moon. Designated S/2004 N 1, this is the ______ known moon to circle the giant planet. It also appears to be the smallest moon in the Neptunian system, measuring just 20 km (12 miles) across, completing one revolution around Neptune every 23 hours.
[Category: Discovery Current Affairs]
[A] 4th
[B] 8th
[C] 14th
[D] 17th

4. Which foreign company on Tuesday, 16 July 2013, said that it will pull out of a $5.3 billion steel mill development in Karnataka, but will proceed with another $12 billion project billed as the country's largest foreign direct investment?
[Category: Business Current Affairs]
[A] Arcelor Mittal
[C] Baosteel Group
[D] Nippon Steel

5. Seven years after they were banned, dance bars can again run in Maharashtra with the Supreme Court on Tuesday, 16 July 2013, upholding a Bombay high court verdict quashing the state government's order. The Maharashtra government had in 2005 brought in an amendment in the which act to ban dance bars?
[Category: States Current Affairs]
[A] Maharashtra Police Act
[B] Maharashtra Criminal Act
[C] Bombay Performance Act
[D] Bombay Police Act

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