Saturday, May 18, 2013

Latest May 2013 Current Affairs Updates Quiz - 18 May 2013

1. Rating agency Standard & Poor's reaffirmed its 'negative' outlook on India's sovereign rating with a one-in-three chance of a downgrade over the next 12 months. The current rating is the lowest investment grade rating, which is one notch above junk. What is the current rating of India by S&P?
[Category: Banking Exams Current Affairs]
[A] AAA-
[B] CCC+
[C] CCC-
[D] BBB-

2. Which country became the 14th country to legalise same-sex marriage on Saturday, 17th May 2013?
[Category: World Current Affairs]
[A] Italy
[B] France
[C] Germany

3. Who is appointed as governor of Arunachal Pradesh on 16 May 2013 as the term of present incumbent governor ended in January 2013?
[Category: India Current Affairs]
[A] Nirbhay Sharma
[B] J J Singh
[C] Kamla Beniwal
[D] K G Balakrishnan

4. World Telecommunication and Information Society Day was celebrated on 17 May 2013. It is celebrated on this day every year to raise awareness about the positives of Information and Communication Technologies, ICTs, among people. What was the theme of the day this year?
[Category: Latest Current Affairs]
[A] ICTs and improving human life
[B] ICTs and its impact on technology
[C] ICTs and improving road safety
[D] ICTs and improving world peace

5. In May 2013, Zhejiang University of which country recently claimed to invent the lightest material ever produced by anyone, carbon aerogel having the density of 0.16 milligrams per cubic centimeters?
[Category: Science and Technology Current Affairs]
[A] Japan
[B] South Korea
[C] North Korea
[D] China

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