Saturday, April 6, 2013

Daily GK Quiz Online - 6 April 2013

1. Before independence Indian flag was having Charkha instead of Ashok Chakra. Who has designed Indian Flag with Charkha?
[Category: India GK]
[A] Pingali Venkayya
[B] Bhikaji Cama
[C] Dadabhai Naoroji
[D] Vinayak Savarkar

2. Which committee has been appointed by the government to review the cartoons used in NCERT's Social Sciences textbooks for schools?
[Category: Bank Exam GK]
[A] VK Thorat Committee
[B] SK Thorat Committee
[C] BK Thorat Committee
[D] PK Thorat Committee

3. Who has been appointed by the Central Government as the Chairman of the Directorate General of Hydrocarbons(DGH)?
[Category: NDA GK]
[A] Atul Mohapatra
[B] Rakesh Pandey
[C] Rajiv Nayan Choubey
[D] Anil Mehrotra

4. In which of the following regions of India has the pilot project "Youth to the Edge" been launched recently?
[Category: Civil Services GK]
[A] Western region
[B] Southern region
[C] Northern region
[D] North-Eastern region

5. In which state Lok Seva Guarantee Act has been awarded the United Nations Public Service(UPSC) Award for 2012?
[Category: State Civil Service GK]
[A] Madhya Pradesh
[B] Rajasthan
[C] Punjab
[D] Bihar

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