Friday, March 22, 2013

Daily GK Quiz - 22 March 2013

1. In Financial terminology, what does CBDT stand for?
[Category: Finance GK]
[A] Cabinet Board of Direct Taxes
[B] Central Board of Direct Transactions
[C] Central Board of Direct Taxes
[D] Central Beureau of Direct Taxes

2. Which one of the following does come under the purview of RBI?
[Category: Banking GK]
[A] Base Rate
[B] Repo Rate
[C] Reverse Repo Rate
[D] Bank Rate

3. Which year was declared as the International Youth Year?
[Category: World GK]
[A] 1982
[B] 1983
[C] 1984
[D] 1985

4. What is the capital of Georgia?
[Category: Countries and Capitals(World Geography) GK]
[A] Kabul
[B] The Bottom
[C] Tunis
[D] Tbilisi

5. Who is the founder of Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd?
[Category: Business GK]
[A] Ramakant Sahai
[B] Bhai Mohan Singh
[C] Rajshekhar Reddy
[D] Nand Kishore Bhalla

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