Saturday, March 16, 2013

Daily GK Latest Question Answer - 16 March 2013

1. What does the term FCCB stand for in banking terminology?
[Category: Banking GK]
[A] Foreign Credit Convertible Bond
[B] Foreign Currency Credit Bond
[C] Foreign Currency Convertible Bond
[D] Financial Currency Convertible Bond

2. "My Country My Life" is an autobiographical book by which Indian politician?
[Category: Literature GK]
[A] Lal Bahadur Shastri
[B] Lal Krishna Advani
[C] Indira Gandhi
[D] Rajeev Gandhi

3. Aparna Popat is associated with which sports?
[Category: Sports GK]
[A] Badminton
[B] Shooting
[C] Archery
[D] Squash

4. What is the capital of China?
[Category: Countries and Capitals(World Geography) GK]
[A] Kabul
[B] Bogota
[C] Beijing
[D] Guatemala City

5. When did inflation happens?
[Category: Economy GK]
[A] When demand and supply are equal
[B] When demand is more than supply
[C] When demand is less than supply
[D] None of the above

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