Sunday, March 24, 2013

24 March 2013 GK Quiz

1. When did first general elections held in India?
[Category: India GK]
[A] May,1946

2. What is the target declared for GDP in 12th Five Year Plan?
[Category: Economy GK]
[A] 9%

3. "Ending Corruption-How to clean up India" novel is written by?
[Category: Literature GK]
[A] Khushwant Singh
[B]J.K. Rowling
[C]Ravinder Singh

4. What is the capital of India?
[Category: Countries and Capitals(World Geography) GK]
[A] Mumbai
[B] Bangalore
[C] New Delhi
[D] Kolkata

5. When is the Girl Child Day celebrated in India?
[Category: India GK]
[A] 9th Dec
[B]27th Jan
[C]10th Oct
[D]15th Dec

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