Friday, February 8, 2013

India Current Affairs Daily Updates Quiz: 8 Feb 2013

1. On 8th Feb 2013, Google honoured Jagjit Singh with a doodle on his 72nd birthday. Jagjit Singh was a prominent Indian Ghazal singer, songwriter and musician who died on 10 October 2011. He was also known as the "Ghazal King". One of his album was the first digitally recorded release in India. Can you name the album?
[Category: India Current Affairs]
[A] Nayi Disha
[B] Samvedna
[C] Beyond Time
[D] Mirage

2. India's police personnel to population ratio is 1: 761, but there are as many as 47,557 cops protecting 14,842 VIPs across the country or three police personnel to one protectee even as rising crime poses a serious threat to the security of the common citizen. The figures, released by the BPR&D of the ministry of home affairs on 8th Feb 2013, show a staggering deployment of police personnel for security duties rather than basic tasks like making the nation's streets safer. What is BPR&D?
[Category: Latest Current Affairs]
[A] Board of Police Regiment and Development
[B] Board of Police Research Data
[C] Bureau of Police Research and Deployment
[D] Bureau of Police Research and Development

3. Not only has India witnessed jobless growth during the UPA's tenure, it has also seen millions pushed to become casual labour with little social security, the IAMR, a think-tank of the Planning Commission, has said in a recently published research paper on 7th Feb 2013, 'Joblessness and Informalization: Challenges to Inclusive Growth in India'. The report by the government body said that UPA policies are leading to jobless growth. This comes as a scathing comment on the character of economic growth under the Congress led UPA. What is IAMR?
[Category: Economy and Policy Current Affairs]
[A] Indian Applied Manpower Research
[B] Institute of Applied Manpower Research
[C] Institute of Advanced Manpower Research
[D] Institute of Alternative Manpower Research

4. On 8th Feb 2013, Sri Lankan President is set to arrive in India for pilgrimage, Tamil political parties DMK and MDMK are on the streets protesting against his visit to the country. Sri Lankan President's trip to Bodh Gaya in Bihar and Tirupati in Andhra Pradesh comes amid barely concealed strains in India-Sri Lanka ties over Colombo's refusal to devolve powers to provincial councils. What is the name of the Sri Lankan president?
[Category: Politics Current Affairs]
[A] Mahinda Rajapaksa
[B] Chandrika Kumaratunga
[C] Shirani Bandaranayake
[D] Disanayaka Mudiyanselage Jayaratne

5. The Cabinet on 8th Feb 2013 approved a Rs 38,500-crore allocation over five years for some projects under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana. The schemes approved today were mainly for connectivity to villages in tribal areas, desert and hilly areas, with a population of at least 250 each. In areas hit by Naxalite violence, villages with less than 250 people are also to be connected under the scheme. About Rs 8,000 crore is to provided on connectivity for these villages, with population between 100 and 250 people. PMGSY was launched by BJP led NDA government under the leadership of Atal Bihari Vajpayee, with the aim of all-weather connectivity to all hitherto unconnected habitations with a population of at least 500 persons (at least 250 persons in hilly states and desert areas and in tribal schedule-V areas. In which year it was launched?
[Category: Economy Policy Current Affairs]
[A] 1999
[B] 2000
[C] 2001
[D] 2002

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