Thursday, February 28, 2013

Feb 2013 Current News Affairs Quiz - 28 Feb 2013

1. Finance Minister P Chidambaram presented India's 82nd national budget in the Lok Sabha on Thursday, 28th February 2013, that will be the eighth such personal exercise for him. Since independence in August 1947, the country has seen a total of 25 ministers hold the finance portfolio. It has also seen 81 budgets, 65 normal annual budgets, 12 interim budgets and four special-occasion budgetary measures, also called mini-budgets. Who hold the record of 10 budgets-eight normal and two interim budgets?
[Category: Indian Budget Current Affairs]
[A] Pranab Mukherjee
[B] Yashwant Sinha
[C] Morarji Desai
[D] C.D. Deshmukh

2. Rajya Sabha on 25 February 2013 approved the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Bill which seeks protection for women in all type of organised, unorganized as well as Private Sectors, including the sexual harassment of domestic help as well as agricultural workers. The bill had made it mandatory for every organization with _____ or more employees to form an internal complaint committee to deal with the complaints of sexual offences.
[Category: Indian Current Affairs]
[A] 5
[B] 10
[C] 20
[D] 30

3. Amid protests and walkout by the entire Opposition, the government on Wednesday, 27th Feb 2013, moved a motion in the Rajya Sabha for the formation of a Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) to inquire into the allegations of payment of bribes in the acquisition of VVIP helicopters by the Ministry of Defence from M/s AgustaWestland and the role of alleged middlemen in the transaction. The JPC will have ______ members from the Rajya Sabha and _______ from the Lok Sabha and shall give its report within three months of its first sitting.
[Category: India Latest Current Affairs]
[A] 15,15
[B] 10,20
[C] 20,10
[D] 12,18

4. As per Economic Survey 2013, Railways is planning to build five new freight corridors to ensure faster transportation of goods. The proposed corridors — East-West Corridor (Kolkata-Mumbai), North-South Corridor (Delhi-Chennai), East Coast Corridor (Kharagpur-Vijayawada) and South Corridor (Goa-Chennai) — are being considered to increase transportation capacity, reduce unit costs of transportation and improve service quality. The Economic Survey says feasibility study has been undertaken on four future freight corridors and a pre-feasibility study of fifth Freight Corridor has been proposed. Fifth freight corridor covers which two cities?
[Category: Economic Survey 2013 Current Affairs]
[A] Chennai-Bangalore
[B] Delhi-Bangalore
[C] Mumbai-Bangalore
[D] Kolkata-Bangalore

5. A group of scientists from Norway, Germany, South Africa and the U. K. have discovered a submerged continent in the Indian Ocean this week. Their measurements predict that the continent lies under Mauritius and extends more than 1,000 km northwards till Seychelles. The discovery was sparked when they found crystals called zircons on Mauritian beaches. Zircons are resistant to erosion or chemical change and some of the ones they found were almost two billion years old, much older than any of the regular soil or sand samples found on nearby islands. What is the name given to this lost continent by the scientists?
[Category: Science and Technology Current Affairs]
[A] Aturitia
[B] Mausia
[C] Martia
[D] Mauritia

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