Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Daily Current Affairs Quiz for February: 6 Feb 2013

1. On 6th February 2013, the CPI-M's women wing All-India Democratic Women's Federation took out a march to the state Assembly in Kerala demanding a fresh probe into the Suryanelli gangrape case in view of the charge levelled against Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman and member of ruling Congress party. The Suryanelli rape case involves gangrape of a 16-year-old girl continuously for 40 days by 42 men in 1996 in Kerala. Who is the Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman?
[Category: India Political Current Affairs]
[A] K Rahman Khan
[B] P. J. Kurien
[C] Mullappally Ramachandran
[D] P. C. Chacko

2. On 5th February 2013, a leader of Bangladesh’s largest opposition party was sentenced to life in prison for war crimes during the 1971 war of independence against Pakistan. Abdul Quader Mollah, assistant secretary general of Bangladesh's main opposition party, was sentenced by a special tribunal for his involvement in genocide and rape during the nine-month conflict. What is the name of the party to which Abdul Quader Mollah is associated with?
[Category: World Political Current Affairs]
[A] Bangladesh Nationalist Party
[B] Jamaat-e-Islami
[C] Awami League
[D] Islamic Unity Front

3. Arvind Kejriwal, Prashant Bhushan and other members of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) were on Tuesday, 5 February 2013, "released" by a Delhi court after they appeared before it following summons for alleged involvement in rioting cases in New Delhi last year. According to the charge sheet, on August 26 last year, these accused had violated Section _____ and had staged protest outside the residence of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Congress President Sonia Gandhi against the alleged coal block allocation scam case. Bhushan further said that imposition of this Section has become the easiest way for police or the government to harass activists and political opponents.
[Category: India Latest Current Affairs]
[A] 121
[B] 132
[C] 144
[D] 180

4. Computer maker Dell on Tuesday, 5 Feb 2013, announced it will take itself private in a $24.4 billion deal, which is being considered one of the most significant buyouts since the financial crisis. Dell signed a definitive merger agreement under which the company's Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Michael Dell would acquire Dell. Company stockholders would receive $13.65 in cash for each share of Dell common stock they hold, in a transaction valued at approximately $24.4 billion. The Dell Board of Directors unanimously approved a merger agreement under which Dell and global technology investment firm ___________________ would acquire the company and take it private subject to a number of conditions, including a vote of the unaffiliated stockholders.
[Category: Business Current Affairs]
[A] Silver Lake Partners
[B] Azure Capital Partners
[C] Atlantic Capital Partners
[D] Accel Partners

5. Bharti Airtel, India's largest private telecom firm, on Tuesday, 5 February, said it will buy out Alcatel-Lucent's entire stake in a joint venture company that manages the fixed-line and broadband network for Bharti. The companies did not give any financial detail of the deal. Bharti and the Indian unit of Alcatel-Lucent had formed the joint venture, Alcatel Lucent Managed Network Service India Ltd, in 2009 to manage Bharti's fixed-line and broadband networks. The five-year $500 million network contract for the joint venture was to end in April 2014. In what ratio the JV was formed for Bharti:Alcatel Lucent?
[Category: India Business News Current Affairs]
[A] 25:75
[B] 75:25
[C] 50:50
[D] 26:74

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