Saturday, February 23, 2013

Current Affairs in India and World Quiz - 23 Feb 2013

1. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Friday issued the final guidelines for licensing of new private sector banks wherein entities both from private and public sector shall be eligible to set up a bank through a wholly-owned NOFHC. A business group, which is keen on applying for a license should have a minimum paid up equity capital of Rs 500 crore. At the start of banking operations, NOFHC should hold a minimum of 40 per cent of the equity capital of the bank with a lock-in period of five years. Later, it has to be brought down to 15 percent within 12 year from that onwards. The NOFHC will be registered as a non-banking finance company with the RBI while the bank will be governed by the prudential regulations by RBI. What does NOFHC stands for?
[Category: Banking Current Affairs]
[A] Non-Operative Financial Housing Company
[B] Newly Opened Financial Holding Company
[C] Non-Operative Financial Holding Company
[D] Non-Operational Finance House Company

2. Twelve per cent of the electorate exercised their franchise in the first two hours of voting on 23rd Feb 2013 for the 60-member Meghalaya Assembly. Home department sources said the 36-hour bandh called by a banned outfit in Khasi Jaintia Hills region comprising six districts had very little impact and people were seen queueing up to cast their votes defying the diktat of the banned outfit. Which outfit has called for bandh in Meghalaya?
[Category: India Latest News and Current Affairs]
[A] Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council
[B] United Liberation Front of Assam
[C] Bodo Liberation Tigers Force
[D] Garo National Liberation Army

3. Credit ratings agency Moody's Investors Service downgraded Britain's government bond rating from the top AAA to _________ , on Friday, 22 Feb 2013, saying sluggish growth and rising debt were weakening the country's medium-term outlook. The agency said rising debt meant "a deterioration in the shock-absorption capacity of the government's balance sheet, which is unlikely to reverse before 2016.
[Category: World Economy Current Affairs]
[A] AAA-
[B] AA1
[C] AA+
[D] AA-

4. Indian Coast Guard’s interceptor boat (IB) with new generation Arneson Surface Drive (ASD), was commissioned in Mumbai on Friday, 22 Feb 2013. ASD, a surface-piercing propeller drive, can turn the boat while in high speed. By mid-2014, the Coast Guard will add 14 more such ships to its fleet. They will be distributed across the coastline for better surveillance. The 28-metre-long boat, with 75 tonnes displacement, can achieve a maximum speed of 35 knots. Besides latest navigation and communication equipment, it has medium-range armament. It can perform high-speed interception, close-coast patrol, low-intensity maritime operations, search-and-rescue and surveillance. What is the name of this new boat?
[Category: News National Current Affairs]
[A] C-97
[B] C-112
[C] C-117
[D] C-154

5. Narendra Modi-led Gujarat government has come forward with a unique idea of training manual scavengers in Hindu religious rituals, a leading newspaper reported on Saturday 23rd Feb 2013. Manual scavengers, termed as 'safai kamdars' in Gujarat, will now be trained in Vedic rituals in institutions like SolaBhagvatVidyapith and Somnath Sanskrit University. To kickstart the project, the social justice department has proposed a new provision of Rs _________ for the exceptional programme in the budget for 2013-14. The latest move will help the suppressed backward community to become priests, and perform marriages and ‘puja’ in temples.
[Category: Latest Updates News Current Affairs]
[A] 22.5 Lakh
[B] 55 Lakh
[C] 1.2 Crore
[D] 1.5 Crore

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