Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Daily Quiz General Knowledge: 9 January 2013

1. Who was the designer of the Indian national flag?
[Category: India GK]
[A] Pingali Venkayya
[B] Rabindranath Tagore
[C] Dadabhai Naoroji
[D] Hanumantha Raidu

2. The idols of Lord Nataraja, Vinayaka & Arthanareeswara are carved in Mogalarajapuram Caves. Where are these caves located?
[Category: India Online GK]
[A] Nasik, Maharashtra
[B] Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh
[C] Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh
[D] Tumkur, Karnataka

3. Who is the owner of Indian private airlines Jet Airways?
[Category: Business GK]
[A] Vijay Mallya
[B] Kalainithi Maran
[C] Ness Wadia
[D] Naresh Goyal

4. Which river is the national river of India?
[Category: Geography GK]
[A] Ganga
[B] Yamuna
[C] Saraswati
[D] Beas

5. India has won how many Olympic gold medals for hockey till now?
[Category: Sports GK]
[A] Two
[B] Five
[C] Eight
[D] Ten

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