Friday, January 4, 2013

Daily Online GK Quiz: 4 January 2013

1. Who is the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature?
[Category: Civil Service India GK]
[A]Rabindranath Tagore
[B]Sinclair Lewis
[C]Eugene O'Neill
[D]Pearl S. Buck

2. In finance what is total assets divided by the total assets minus total liabilities?
[Category: Financial GK]
[A]Economic leverage
[B]Accounting leverage
[C]Notional leverage
[D]Degree of Operating Leverage

3. Hindi language belongs to which language family?
[Category: Exam GK]

4. What is the chemical formula of Common Salt?
[Category: Chemistry GK]

5. What was the birth name of Rani Lakshmibai, the Rani of Jhansi?
[Category: Modern History GK]
[A]Bhagirathi Bai
[B]Putli Bai

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