Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Daily General Knowledge Quiz: 29 January 2013

1. Container Corporation of India Ltd. is a Miniratna Public sector undertaking under which Indian ministry?
[Category: Online GK]
[A] Ministry of Railways
[B] Ministry of Shipping
[C] Ministry of Surface Transport
[D] Ministry of Industry

2. In Banking terms, what does NPA stands for?
[Category: Banking GK]
[A] Net Performance Asset
[B] Non Performing Asset
[C] Net Promoter's Asset
[D] Non Promoters Asset

3. In which city the first Indian Institute of Management (IIM) was established in 1961?
[Category: Today GK]
[A] Ahmedabad
[B] Bangalore
[C] Kolkata
[D] Lucknow

4. As per the Indian constituition, who has been accorded the power to declare National Emergency?
[Category: UPSC GK]
[A] The Prime Minister
[B] The President
[C] Chief justice of the Supreme Court
[D] The Head of Indian Army

5. Who is the author of the book "Between the Assassinations"?
[Category: India Exams GK]
[A] Anu Garg
[B] Amish Tripathi
[C] Kunal Basu
[D] Aravind Adiga

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