Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Latest Current Affairs Magazine for 12th December 2012

1. The legendary musician and composer who was India's musical ambassador and a unique phenomenon in the classical music worlds of East and West, the maestro Pandit Ravi Shankar passed away in San Diego on Tuesday, 11 Dec 2012 at the age of 92. He was admitted to the Scripps Memorial Hospital in La Jolla last Thursday after he complained of breathing difficulties. He was well known for his pioneering work in bringing Indian music to the West. He was active as a professional musician till the end and was one of the contenders for the next Grammys. Which instrument he played?
[Category: Indian Current Affairs]

2. A foreign company is selling its 9.1 percent stake in IT services provider Tech Mahindra in a deal expected to raise about USD 183 million. This company which once owned about a third of the company, has been gradually paring its stake in Tech Mahindra, and with its stake sale on Tuesday, 11th Dec 2012, it will exit the outsourcing services provider. Can you name the company which is selling its entire stake in Tech Mahindra?
[Category: Business Current Affairs]
[A]Verizon Communications Inc.
[C]British Telecoms (BT)
[D]AT&T, Inc.

3. This country launched a long-range rocket on Wednesday, 12 Dec 2012, in defiance of UN sanctions threats over what Pyongyang's critics insist is a disguised ballistic missile. The rocket had taken off from the Sohae satellite launch centre at 9:51am (00:51 GMT) and was immediately detected by navy vessels deployed by neighbouring country in the Yellow Sea. There was no immediate report on the success of the launch, but as per the Japanese government, the missile had passed its southern island chain of Okinawa around 12 minutes after take-off. Which country has launched this rocket?
[Category: International Politics Current Affairs]
[A]South Korea
[B]North Korea

4. The U.S.-headquartered international provider of business process and technology management services, has inked a Rs.1,000-crore all-cash deal to acquire Apollo Health Street Limited (AHS). An associate company of Apollo Hospitals Enterprises Ltd., AHS is a leading provider of healthcare business services and world-class health information technology (HIT)-based solutions. Which company has made this deal with AHS?
[Category: Corporate Current Affairs]
[A]Sutherland Global Services
[C]GE Healthcare
[D]Bernell Corporation

5. As announced on Tuesday, 11th December 2012, which bank will pay US authorities $1.9 billion in a settlement over money laundering for drug cartels and countries under sanctions, the largest ever such penalty?
[Category: Banking Current Affairs]
[A]Standard Chartered
[C]Citi Bank
[D]American Express Bank

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