Friday, December 7, 2012

Latest Current Affairs and News: 7th Dec 2012

1. After the shock suspension of the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the International Amateur Boxing Association (AIBA) handed over a provisional suspension to the Indian Boxing Federation on Thursday, 6th Dec 2012. The Indian body was formerly led by Abhay Singh Chautala, who was also elected as the president of the Indian Olympic Association. The current president of the Indian federation is Abhishek Motaria, who was elected on September 23. Chautala was then nominated the chairman of the national body. What is the name of Indian Boxing body?
[Category: Sports Current Affairs]
[A]Indian Association and Boxing Federation (IABF)
[B]Indian Boxing Federation Association (IBFA)
[C]Indian Amateur Boxing Federation (IABF)
[D]Federation Committee of Indian Boxing (FCIB)

2. Death toll in the this country due to Typhoon Bopha (Local Name Pablo) has continued to rise to 418 based on the latest data released on Friday, 6 Dec 2012, by the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC). This typhoon is an active tropical cyclone which formed unusually close to the equator. This typhoon is the strongest tropical cyclone to ever hit the country's southern island of Mindanao, making landfall as a Category 5 super typhoon with winds of 160 mph (260 km/h). In which country this disastrous typhoon hit?
[Category: Geography Current Affairs]

3. In a welcome move for harried motorists desperate to find parking space, the civic body of the city is all set to introduce online booking of parking slots as announced on 6th Dec 2012. The civic body plans to implement a web-based payand-park model in its 92 functioning parking lots in the city, which can accommodate 10,314 vehicles. The civic body has appointed a contractor for the scheme, who will install software, provide hand-held devices for attendants at parking lots and connect the feed from all the 92 spots to the central server on the civic body's website. Which civic body is planning to introduce online booking for parking?
[Category: Civil Current Affairs]
[A]New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC)
[B]Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD)
[C]Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC)
[D]Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP)

4. The country's oldest stock exchange, now known as the BSE, has appointed merchant bankers on 6th Dec 2012 for an initial public offer of its shares in the second quarter of 2013. BSE plans to raise about Rs 1,000-1,250 crore by June 2013 and once listed, it will become the first securities exchange in the country that investors can bet on. Ashish Chauhan, the newly appointed CEO and MD of BSE said that the stock exchange has started the process for the IPO and hopes to complete it by June 2013. How many merchant bankers have been appointed by BSE for its IPO?
[Category: Bank and Securities Current Affairs]

5. Former Maharashtra deputy chief minister will be inducted back into the state cabinet on Friday, 7th Dec 2012, two months after he resigned from the post in the wake of the irrigation scam. NCP leader’s comeback came after the white paper on irrigation was acceptedby the state and published. He had resigned as deputy CM in the wake of allegations that during his tenure as irrigation minister, huge cost escalations of 38 irrigation projects worth Rs. 20,000 crore had been cleared in 2009. Of these, 32 were cleared in just three months before the election code of conduct came into force. Who is he?
[Category: Politics Current Affairs]
[A]Ajit Pawar
[B]Prithviraj Chavan
[C]Madhukar Pichad
[D]Supriya Sule

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