Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Daily GK Quiz with Answers: 26 December

1. When a bank returns a cheque unpaid, What is it called?
[Category: Banking awareness GK]
[A]Payment of the cheque
[B]Drawing of cheque
[C]Cancelling of cheque
[D]Dishonour of cheque

2. Distribution of Insurance products and Insurance policies by banks as corporate agents is known as what?
[Category: Insurance Banking awareness GK]
[A]General Insurance
[B]Non life Insurance
[D]Insurance Banking

3. As per news in various newspapers “KFW” Group released another instalment of financial aids. KFW is an organisation/bank based in which country?
[Category: Finance GK]

4. Which of the following is the objective of the flagship scheme ‘Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana’?
[Category: India Bank GK]
[A]To provide life insurance cover to rural households
[B]To provide health insurance cover to rural households
[C]To provide health and life insurance cover to rural households
[D]To provide health and life insurance cover to rural households below poverty line

5. The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) is compiled and released by which of the following organistion/agencies?
[Category: Banking awareness GK]
[A]Registrar of Companies
[B]Bombay Stock Exchange
[D]Central Statistical Organisation

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