Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Marketing Management Quiz - 12

1. Until Bill and Hillary saw a feature on local news about baby car seats, they thought all brands were alike. Having seen the news broadcast, they were better informed to make the baby car seat purchase decision for their soon-to-be-born son. What source did Bill and Hillary use to collect information for their purchase decision?

2. Arun is the owner of a luxury car dealership. He is very much worried about his business because sales of his luxury cars have declined considerably. He has read that unemployment is up, that consumer spending is down, and consumer income is also down. Which of the following best describes the current economy?
[D]Price escalation

3. Who among the following is least likely to be directly involved in actually making sales?
[A]Order taker
[B]Current-customer salesperson
[C]Order getter
[D]Support personnel

4. At the Melting Moments, an ice cream parlour, customers place their orders, watch their ice-cream sundaes being prepared, and then eat the sundaes in the store. This is an example of the service characteristic of

5. Which of the following is/are factors of the political environment that need to be considered when doing business in a foreign country?
I. National sovereignty and security policies.
II. Rules regarding mergers and acquisitions.
III. Implications of foreign direct investments.
IV. Rules regarding patents and trademarks.
[A]Only (I) above
[B]Both (II) and (III) above
[C]Both (III) and (IV) above
[D](I), (II) and (III) above

6. Microsoft offers spreadsheet software, word processing software, and graphics software as part of its "Microsoft Office" suite of products, at one price. This is an example of
[A]Target pricing
[B]Captive-product pricing
[C]Psychological pricing
[D]Price bundling

7. A form of marketing that consists of direct communications with carefully targeted individual customers, often on a one-to-one, interactive basis to obtain an immediate response is called
[A]Database marketing
[B]Relationship marketing
[C]Direct marketing
[D]Personal selling

8. Bata Shoe Company sells its manufactured products through its own chain of retail outlets. Which of the following marketing strategies does Bata employ?
[A]Backward integration
[B]Forward integration
[C]Horizontal integration
[D]Diversified strategy

9. The advantage derived by the marketer, from which of the following, gets reduced if the technology used in a product becomes obsolete fast?
[A]Product form
[B]Product design
[C]Product position
[D]Product durability

10. Persil acquired by Lever Bros, is the best selling laundry detergent in the UK. When Lever Bros. used the Persil brand name for its washing up liquid it was adopting a/an
[A]Individual branding strategy
[B]Family branding strategy
[C]Line extension strategy
[D]Brand extension strategy

11. The company that overlooks new and better ways to do things will eventually lose customers to another company which has found a better way of serving customer needs. This is a major tenet of
[A]Innovative marketing
[B]Consumer-oriented marketing
[C]Value marketing
[D]Sense-of-mission marketing

12. Which of the following is a trade sales promotion method aimed specifically at retail outlets?
[A]Trade show
[B]Buyback allowance
[C]Merchandise allowance
[D]Scan back allowance

13. A company in its communication message lays emphasis on the quality, performance and value of its products. What is the communication objective of the company?

14. Which of the following is not a condition necessary for an exchange to take place?
[A]Each party must have something that interests the other
[B]Each party must be in a position to communicate and deliver the product
[C]The parties must involve themselves even if they consider each other undesirable or unacceptable to deal with
[D]Each party must be free to accept or reject any offer from the other party

15. In which approach of the marketing costs analysis, is the net income calculated by deducting direct andindirect expenses from the gross margin?
[A]Variable costs
[B]Full costs
[C]Average costs
[D]Sunk costs

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