Saturday, June 23, 2012

Indian Medieval History MCQs ( History Quiz - 8)

1. Which one of the pair is not correctly matched:
[A]Jahangir: William Hawkins
[B]Akbar: Sir Thomas Roe
[C]Shahjahan: Travernier
[D]Aurangzeb: Manucci

2. Who among the following stream lined the Maratha administration after Sambhaji?
[A]Raja Ram
[B]Balaji Viswanath
[C]Ganga Bai
[D]Nanaji Deshmukh

3. Consider the following events:
1. Region of Krishna Deva of Vijaynagar
2. Construction of Qutab Minar
3. Arrival of Portuguese in India
4. Death of Feroz Tughlaq
The correct chronological sequence of these events is:
[A]2, 4, 3, 1
[B]2, 4, 3, 1
[C]4, 2, 1, 3
[D]4, 2, 3, 1

4. Match list I and II and find the correct answer using the codes below:
List I
[A]A3, b2 c1 d4
[B]A2, b3, c4, d1
[C]A2, b3, c1, d4
[D]A3, b2, c4, d1

5. Which one of the following Muslim ruler was hailed as ‘Jagadguru’ by his Muslim subject because of his belief in secularism?
[A]Husain Shah
[B]Zain ul Adibdin
[C]Ibrahim Adil Shah
[D]Muhamud II

6. The Mongol under Changez Khan invaded India during the reign of:
[B]Feroz Tughlaq
[D]Muhammad Bin Tughlaq

7. Which one of the following ports are known as Babul Makka (Gate of Makka) during the Mughal period?

8. Which of the following pairs are correctly matched?
[A]Dewan I Bandagani – Tughlaq
[B]Dewan I mustakhraj – Balban
[C]Dewan I kohi – Allauddin Khilji
[D]Dewan I Arz – Muhammad Tughlaq

9. Directions: The following items consist of two statement One labelled the 'Assertion A' and the other as 'Reason R' You are to examine these two statements carefully and decid if the ' Assertion A' and the 'Reason R' are individually tru and if so, whether the 'Reason R' is the correct explanatin of the given' Assertion A'.
Assertion [A]: Battle of Khanua was more decisive and significant than the First Battle of Panipat
Reason[R]:Rana Sangha the Rajput hero was certainly more formidable than adversary Ibrahim Lodhi
[A]Both A and R is true and R is the perfect explanation of A
[B]Both A and R is true but R is not the correct explanation of A
[C]A is true but R IS false
[D]A is false but R IS true

10. Who among the following was the first Bhakti saint to use Hindi as a medium of propogation of his message?

11. With reference to medieval Indian rulers which of the following is correct?
[A]Allauddin Khilji was the first ruler to set up a separate ariz’s department
[B]Balban introduced the branding system of his horses in the military
[C]Muhammad Bin Tughlaq was succeeded by his uncle to the military
[D]Firuz Tughlaq was the first to set up a separate department of slaves

12. The motive behind shahjahan’s Balkh campaigne was to:
[A]Secure a friendly ruler in Balkh and Badakshan which bordered Kabul
[B]Conquer Samarkand and Farghana the Mughal homelands
[C]Fix the Mughal Frontier on the scientific line, the Amu Daria
[D]Expand the Mughal Empire beyond the sub continent

13. Assertion [A]: Muhammad bin Tughlaq left Delhi and lived in a camp called Swarga Dwari for two years
Reason[R]: At that time Delhi was ravaged by a form of Plague and many people died
[A]Both A and R are individually true and R is the perfect explanation of A
[B]Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A
[C]A is true but R IS false
[D]A is false but R IS true

14. The Historian Barani refused to consider the state in India under Delhi Sultans as truly Islamic because:
[A]The majority of population did not follow Islam
[B]The Muslim Theologises were often disregarded
[C]The Sultans supplemented Muslim laws by framing their own regulations
[D]Religious freedom was accorded to non Muslims

15. Assertion {A}: Emperor Akbar marched towards Afghanistan in 1581 with a huge army
Reason {R}: He was on his way to reclaim his ancestral country of Farghana in Central Asia
[A]Both A and R are individually true and R is the perfect explanation of A
[B]Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A
[C]A is true but R IS false
[D]A is false but R IS true

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