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MBA Exam Business Communication Solved Paper(Business Communication Quiz - 35)

1. Once you have decided on the format, you can start formulating specific questions. Each question mustbe so structured as to elicit just the information you want. “Are you familiar with our policy onplagiarism?” What kind of question is this?
I. Directive interview.
II. Close-ended.
III. Open-ended.
[A]Only (I) above
[B]Only (II) above
[C]Both (I) and (II) above
[D]Both (II) and (III) above

2. Groups are formed to accomplish some objectives. The objective may be to complete some kind of taskor it may be to strengthen interpersonal relationships among the group members. Which of thefollowing factors in group communication aims at achieving task goals, while at the same timemaintaining interpersonal relationships in the group?
[A]Size of the group
[C]Perception and self-concept

3. To make the audience convinced regarding your message, first you have to gain credibility. To communicate credibility to your audience, you should
[A]Impress them with a long list of your accomplishments
[B]Be modest and deferential
[C]Show that you are confident and that you believe in yourself and in your message
[D]Use hedge words ("maybe," "perhaps") to demonstrate your knowledge that no issue is fully cut and dried

4. You are working in a large multinational company as an MIS manager. While making changes to theexisting system, you required some information from the finance manager. In which of the followingways do you request for the information?
[A]By always using the indirect approach
[B]By writing a memo or e-mail
[C]Write a letter maintaining a formal style and tone
[D]By using your influence in the company

5. The importance of effective bad-news communication is illustrated by the story of a man who carried inhis coat pocket a job-refusal letter he had received from a company some years ago. He wouldfrequently show the superbly written letter to others and comment, “I would accept a job from this company any day because this letter made me feel good about myself even though the company couldnot hire me.” Taking the indirect approach in a bad-news message provides the following advantages, except
[A]It eases the audience into your message by explaining your reasons before delivering the bad news
[B]It increases your chances of gaining audience acceptance of the bad news
[C]It makes a shorter message possible
[D]It prepares the reader gradually for the bad news

6. All business messages are essentially persuasive messages. After all, writers convey messages with theaim of persuading readers to their point of view. In this light, AIDA stands for
[A]Attention, Interest, Deceive, Action
[B]Attraction, Interrogation, Decipher, Action
[C]Attention, Interest, Desire, Action
[D]Attraction, Intuition, Demand, Allocation

7. A solicited application letter usually opens
[A]By mentioning the name of a person known to and highly respected by the reader
[B]By showing how your work skills could benefit the organization
[C]By describing your understanding of the job's requirements and telling how your qualifications fit for the job
[D]By identifying the publication in which the ad ran and describing what you have to offer

8. When business people speak of reports, they are, in general, thinking of written, factual accounts thatobjectively communicate information about some aspect of the business. A report investigatingdifferences in patterns of swimsuit sales in different climatic regions would be subdivided on the basisof

9. Reports are business tools that convey information objectively from one organizational area to anotheror from one institution to another. Which of the following sentences about reports is not true?
I. A short report is meant to convey information in an efficient, compact format.
II. An annual report is usually published once a year for shareholders as well as for employers.
III. A recommendation report examines a situation and concludes with specific recommendations.
[A]Only (I) above
[B]Only (II) above
[C]Both (I) and (III) above
[D]Both (II) and (III) above

10. When we hear, we only perceive sounds, but when we listen, this hearing is accompanied by a deliberate and purposeful act of the mind. While listening, if we think, we must defend our position; we already know what others have to say and how we are coming through? Which of the following barriersare we encountering?
[A]Selective perception

11. Your friend has started a new organization. He is encountering some labor problems. You are apersonnel management specialist and have several years of experience in the personnel department of alarge conglomerate. Your friend calls you over to his office to discuss his problems. In the course ofthe conversation, you give him some ideas about how he could solve his problems. He finds your ideasinnovative and thinks they are just right for his kind of set-up. As you get up to leave, your friend clasps your hand warmly, beams at you and says, “Thank you very much. Your ideas are priceless.” Which of the following statements is most accurate?
[A]Most people can control their facial expressions; therefore, they can control the nonverbal facial messages they send
[B]Gestures merely add nonverbal meaning to verbal messages rather than conveying the entire meaning by themselves
[C]Most communicators consider the eyes to be the most accurate predictor of a speaker's true feelings and attitudes
[D]A speaker's nonverbal cues rarely contradict his or her verbal messages

12. Listening is the most frequent, perhaps the most important type of on-the-job communication. Listeninginvolves various steps. Which of the following is the first step?
[A]Physically receiving the message
[B]Interpreting the message
[C]Evaluating the message
[D]Encoding the message

13. When faced with a conflict, different people respond in different ways. One of them is ‘avoiding’ theconflict—unwillingness to talk things out, pretending that a conflict does not exist. In which of thefollowing situations ‘avoiding’ is advisable?
I. When you need time to gather facts or think about a situation.
II. When you think delaying of the problem will solve the problem.
III. When you perceive that you have no chance of satisfying your concerns.
[A]Only (I) above
[B]Only (II) above
[C]Only (III) above
[D]Both (I) and (III) above

14. An interview is a goal-oriented, interpersonal communication between an interviewer and a respondent.The style and structure of an interview depends on its purpose and on the relationship between the twoparties involved. Which of the following kinds of interview judges candidates' interpersonal skills?
[A]Group interviews
[B]Stress interviews
[C]Video interviews
[D]Open-ended interviews

15. Sometimes some members of a group have a better social standing or are better qualified than theothers. Which of the following determines the manner in which members interact with each other?
[A]Size of the group

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