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Management Quiz - 29

1. When a junior employee tells a manager what he thinks of what the manager has just asked him todo, and be sure that he understood the same correctly, the junior employee is making use of
[A]Selective perception

2. In an organization, communication flows in different directions. When instructions are receivedfrom Head Office to branches, the communication is called
[A]Downward communication
[B]Upward communication
[C]Informal communication
[D]Horizontal communication

3. The managerial grid, propounded by Robert Blake and Jane Srygley Mouton, is a well-developedapproach to defining leadership styles. It identifies five distinct leadershipstyles. According to this grid, the (9,9) manager
[A]Gives thoughtful attention to the needs of people, for a satisfying relationship leads to a comfortable, friendly atmosphere and work tempo
[B]Believes that concern for people and tasks are compatible and that tasks need to be carefully explained and decisions endorsed by subordinates to achieve a high level of commitment
[C]Believes in compromise, so that decisions are taken but only if endorsed by subordinates
[D]Exerts minimum effort to get required work done

4. Behavioural or situational approaches to leadership typically focus on transactional leadership. i.e.,leadership involving an exchange relationship between leaders and followers. Transactional leaders usually
[A]Provide their followers with intellectual stimulation
[B]Inspire followers to exert extra effort towards achieving group goals
[C]Motivate subordinates to perform at expected levels
[D]Pay attention to the concerns and developmental needs of individual followers

5. German Sociologist, Max Weber, introduced the concept of ‘charisma’ into discussions of leadership. Charismatic leadership is associated with all of the following characteristics except
[A]Ability to communicate vision in terms with which followers could readily identify
[B]Inability to focus on own weaknesses
[C]A compelling vision or sense of purpose
[D]Demonstrated consistency and focus in the pursuit of their vision

6. The trait theory was the result of the first systematic effort of psychologists and other researchers tounderstand leadership. Which of the following is the most appropriate conclusion drawn from the trait approach to leadership?
[A]The trait approach identifies traits that consistently separate leaders from nonleaders
[B]There are certain traits that guarantee that a leader will be successful
[C]The trait approach is based on early research that assumes that a good leader is born, not made
[D]Leadership is a simple issue of describing the traits of successful leaders

7. Ravi, a new recruit in Solaris Systems, perceives that his outcomes (pay, perks etc.) are lower ascompared to his inputs (qualifications, experience etc.) in relation to his colleagues. Which of the following theories of motivation explains this phenomenon?
[A]Need hierarchy theory
[B]Two-factor model
[C]Equity theory
[D]Expectancy theory

8. Herzberg’s two-factor theory of motivation argues that hygiene factors are necessary to keepworkers from being dissatisfied, but only motivators can lead workers to feel satisfied and motivated. Which of the following can be regarded as one of Herzberg’s hygiene factors?
[A]The work itself
[D]Career growth

9. Motivation theories can be broadly classified into two main categories by looking at their major areas of thrust. viz., Content theories and Process theories. Content theory of motivation focuses on
[A]The level of satisfaction employees have with their job
[B]Achieving one’s potential and self-fulfilment
[C]Equitable distribution of tasks
[D]Analysing what motivates people

10. Need is the origin for any motivated behaviour. Needs exist in each individual in varying degrees.Which of the following motivating needs is related to the desire to control and influence?
[A]Need for security
[B]Need for power
[C]Need for achievement
[D]Need for affiliation

11. Douglas McGregor identified two opposing perspectives (Theory X and Theory Y) that he believed typified managerial views of employees and suggested that management must start with the basicquestion of how managers see themselves in relation to others. Which of the following is not correctabout his theory?
[A]Theory X managers view people as having an inherent dislike of work
[B]Theory X managers assume that people do not want to be directed
[C]Theory Y managers assume that the average person will accept, even seek, responsibility
[D]Theory Y managers view people as responsible and conscientious

12. Managers can adopt various methods to overcome initial resistance to change. In which of thefollowing methods of overcoming resistance to change, management neutralizes potential or actualresistance by exchanging something of value for cooperation?
[A]Facilitation and support
[C]Negotiation and agreement
[D]Explicit and implicit coercion

13. Cultural change is of utmost importance to bring about changes in the business processes of anorganization. Which of the following situational factors is most unlikely to facilitate cultural change?
[A]A dramatic crisis occurs
[B]Leadership changes hands
[C]The culture is strong
[D]The culture is weak

14. There can be different sources of resistance to change. For analytical purposes, they can becategorized as individual and organizational sources. Which of the following is an organizationalsource of resistance to change?
[B]Structural inertia
[D]Fear of the unknown

15. Problem-solving skills are most effectively acquired by managers using which of the followingtechniques?
[A]A mentor relationship
[B]Planned Progression
[C]Job rotation
[D]Simulation exercises

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