Sunday, February 12, 2012

Management Quiz - 26

1. For becoming a successful interpersonal communicator, a manager must be able to grasp all of the following except
[A]How interpersonal communication works
[B]The importance of verbal versus non-verbal interpersonal communication
[C]How to get the most out of the grapevine
[D]The relationship between feedback and interpersonal communication

2. ______ is the practice of comparing, on some measurable scale, the performance of a key business operation in house vis à vis a similar operation in another organization.
[C]Total Quality Management (TQM)

3. As a manager, you decide that every afternoon, you are going to go around and spend time with your employees to find out what’s happening. This is called
[A]The grapevine
[B]Management by wandering around
[C]Horizontal communication
[D]Downward communication

4. The four phases of Creative process are
I. Logical formulation.
II. Intuition.
III. Unconscious scanning.
IV. Insight.
The order in which the process takes place is
[A](I), (II), (III) and (IV)
[B](II), (III), (IV) and (I)
[C](III), (II), (IV) and (I)
[D](IV), (I), (III) and (II)

5. Control is of three types – feed forward, concurrent, and feedback control. Which of the following is not an example of feed forward control?
[A]Sales forecast
[B]Preventive maintenance
[C]Inventory control
[D]Remedial maintenance

6. Which of the following inventory techniques uses cards to monitor inventory movement?
[A]ABC Analysis
[B]JIT Approach

7. A Decision Support System (DSS) is an interactive computer system used to plan and make decisions. Which of the following is not true with regard to DSS?
[A]Executive decisions are the focal points in DSS
[B]DSS specializes in easy-to-use software
[C]DSS employs interactive processing
[D]The control and use of DSS rests with the central information management department

8. A PERT network depicts the sequence of activities needed to complete a project and the __________ each activity.
[A]Amount of money needed for
[B]Time or costs associated with
[C]Step of
[D]Schedule of

9. Ringi is a characteristic organizational feature of Japanese companies. What does ringi refer to?
[A]Lifetime employment
[B]Informal organization structure
[C]A multistep procedure for building consensus
[D]Paternalistic leadership style

10. Members of a project team assessing the market potential of a new product are engaged in
[A]Upward Communication
[C]Downward communication
[D]Horizontal communication

11. An organization that engages in production or service activities through its own affiliates in several countries, maintains control over the policies of those affiliates, and manages from a global perspective is known as
[A]Multinational Organization
[B]International Organization
[C]Transnational Organization
[D]Global Organization

12. Which of the following should not be a characteristic of borderless organizations?
[A]They recruit the best people regardless of country or culture
[B]They focus on using the best approaches and practices from around the world
[C]They recruit people mainly from the home country
[D]They give impartance to the culture of host country

13. Which of the following attitudes is based on the view that host-country managers know the best practices for running their operations?

14. Which of the following is/are example(s) of external information in an organization?
[A]Daily receipts and expenditures
[B]Salesperson Quotas
[C]Descriptions of customer satisfaction with products and services
[D]Quantity of an item on-hand in inventory

15. Which of the following is not the underlying assumption of direct control?
[A]Performance can be measured
[B]Personal responsibility is absent
[C]The time expenditure is warranted
[D]Mistakes can be discovered in time

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