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Management Quiz - 23

1. Tina is the department chair of a local college. She is preparing the 2005 schedule of classes. She knows approximately how many students will be in the classes from the preregistration that is required. She also knows how many faculty members are available and which classes they can teach. As she prepares the 2005 schedule of classes, unless something extraordinary occurs, she is operating under the condition of

2. Decision-making is the process by which a course of action is selected so as to deal with a specific problem. It is a systematic process and involves a series of steps. Which of the following steps in the decision-making process includes conveying a decision to those affected and getting their commitment to it?
[A]Evaluation of decision effectiveness
[B]Selecting an alternative
[C]Analyzing alternatives
[D]Implementation of the alternatives

3. The temptation to accept the first feasible alternative often prevents decision-makers from achieving the best solutions to their problems. Generating a number of alternatives allows them to resist the temptation to solve their problems too quickly and makes reaching an effective decision more likely. Which of the following techniques can be used for development of several alternatives in the decisionmaking process, by generating as many feasible ideas as possible on a given topic without evaluating them?
[D]Linear programming

4. Conditions of uncertainty exist when future environment is unpredictable and everything is in a state of flux. The decision-maker is not aware of all alternatives, the risks associated with each, or the consequences of each alternative, or their probabilities. There are different approaches to decisionmaking under uncertainty. Which approach to decision-making under conditions of uncertainty believes that individual attitudes towards risk vary with events, with people and positions?
[A]Risk analysis
[B]Risk communication
[C]Decision trees
[D]Utility theory

5. Raj, Ramesh and Rajesh are all making decisions about how to approach the team project. They have only one week to write a 75-page analysis of the government's suit against Microsoft. In addition, they all work full-time. Which decision-making model will they probably rely on?
[B]Break-even analysis
[D]Bounded rationality

6. The success of an organization greatly depends on the decisions that managers make. Due to this reason, managerial approaches to decision-making have been the subject of considerable curiosity and research. There are different types of decisions that are taken. If an organization is placing an order for office supplies, they are most likely engaged in which of the following types of decision?
[A]Non-programmed decision
[B]Programmed decision
[C]Proactive decision
[D]Reactive decision

7. Alexis has implemented a new decision at her company. Her decision encompasses marketing her products to overseas markets during the next five years. This decision is projected to bring in $20 million in profits during that time frame. Alexis believes this decision will move her organization into one of the top five positions within the industry. Alexis has most probably made a/an __________ decision.

8. In an organization, the process where individuals work in co-ordination and contribute to the achievement of organizational goals is called
[A]Unity of direction
[B]Unity of command
[C]Hierarchy of authority
[D]Authority on Par

9. Organizational design is the process of developing an organization structure. Managers take into account a number of factors, before embarking on organizational design. One such factor is span of control. All other things being equal, as the span of control grows wider or larger, organizational design usually becomes more

10. Open systems can accomplish their tasks and meet their objectives through different courses of action. Open systems do not need a single ‘best’ method to achieve their objectives and accomplish their goals. Which of the following terms implies this concept of reaching the same result by different means?
[C]Dynamic Homeostasis
[D]Cost Leadership

11. Management plays a role wherever people form into groups to achieve some common objectives. The term ‘management’ applies to small and large organizations. When all managers within an organization are involved in various ways in the management of the organization, then it is referred to as
[A]Top-down management
[B]Bottom-up management
[C]Unity of command
[D]Unity of direction

12. Divisional structure is a type of departmentation in which positions are grouped according to similarity of products, services or markets. There are three major forms of divisional structure: product division, geographic division and customer division. Which of the following statements is not true about Customer Division or Departmentation?
[A]It is set up to service particular types of clients or customers
[B]It can address the special and widely varied needs of customers for clearly defined services
[C]It is accompanied by the benefits of specialization
[D]Coordination between sales and other functions becomes easier

13. Organizations that adopt a Matrix structure, generally pass through different structural stages, each having its own significance. Which of the following Matrix Stages is a permanent overlay?
[A]Stage 1
[B]Stage 2
[C]Stage 3
[D]Stage 4

14. The Better Than Ordinary Fast Food Company desires to focus on the varying customer needs found at its many operations across the country. This organization would probably derive the most benefit from engaging in ______ within its structure.
[B]Product-based divisions
[C]Geographic-based divisions
[D]Coordination mechanisms

15. When a pharmaceutical research company assigns research specialist to report jointly to the head of marketing and also to head of research, it is an example of
[A]Functional departmentation
[B]Matrix structure
[C]Geographical departmentation
[D]Customer departmentation

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