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Business Communication Quiz - 31 (MBA Questions)

1. Visual aids will definitely help to present the information more attractively. Choosing the proper visual aids is very important. The multi-range bar chart is also called
I. Multiple range bar chart
II. Comparative bar chart
III. Cluster bar chart
[A]Only (I) above
[B]Only (III) above
[C]Both (I) and (II) above
[D]All (I), (II) and (III) above

2. Imagine you are an HR manager in a medium sized firm, which recently put out an advertisementfor sales representatives. The company needs three people. You get nearly 500 application letters. After all, it is the appearance that makes the first impression. Which of the following is the efficient format in letter writing?
[A]Modified block
[C]Hanging block form
[D]Simplified block

3. You are graduating from a business school in another month and entering the job market. Youreducation has equipped you with a set of resources -qualifications and skills. Now you have to prepare a resume to sell yourself. Which of the following statements is nottrue regarding the resume?
[A]In a chronological resume, the "Work Experience" section dominates and is placed in the most prominent slot
[B]The chronological approach emphasizes a list of skills and accomplishments
[C]One of the advantages to a functional resume is that employers can see what you can do for them
[D]The chronological approach is the most common way to organize a resume

4. You are writing a business message to a customer regarding the benefits of a to-be introduced and a bit costlier product. You have to include evidences supporting the claims you have made regarding the utility of the product. The evidence should be
[A]As abstract as possible
[B]Minimal if your subject is complex or unfamiliar
[C]Enough to be convincing but not so much that it's boring
[D]As lengthy as possible

5. Recently you have received an order from one of your old clients. His previous record suggests that he delays payments, hence, you do not want to supply goods to him. Which of the following phrases should not be used in the close of the letter refusing your old client’s order?
I. “Enclosed the list of latest products”.
II. “I trust our decision is satisfactory”.
III. “If you have further questions, please write”.
IV. “We hope you will continue to do business with us”.
[A]Only (I) above
[B]Only (I) and (II) above
[C]Only (I) and (III) above
[D](II), (III) and (IV) above

6. Understanding the audience is often a more challenging task. It requires the cultivation of a “you”or “reader oriented” attitude. Understanding audience and making the message acceptable to them is very important in making the communication successful. The first step in adapting your message to the reader is
[A]Researching the situation about which the reader wants to know
[B]Forming a mental picture of what the reader is like
[C]Outlining the logical developments of the message
[D]Deciding on the company goal to be served

7. Recently, you have received a letter from one of yourcustomers stating that they have developed a problem in the product you have supplied and they have spent some amount for repairs. Their claim is that product is still in guarantee period hence, you should reimburse the amount spent on repairs. But your investigation revealed that the problem is due to the mishandling of the product by the customer. The best way to respond to the customer is
[A]Refuse the claim without any explanation
[B]Refuse the claim and point out the customer's mistake
[C]Honor the claim but do so resentfully
[D]Honor the claim but tactfully point out that your firm was not at fault

8. Channels are the means used to convey the message. To physically transmit your message youselect a communication channel and a medium. The medium could be telephone, computer, fax, letter, memo, face-to-face, etc. Companies that use intranets
[A]Are engaging in e-commerce with their customers
[B]Facilitate communication among employees within a company
[C]Are behind the times technologically
[D]Facilitate communication between employees and the society

9. Writers use punctuation marks to help readers extract meaning from a sentence, in much the sameway that readers use pauses and voice inflection. In which of these cases is a “comma” not used?
[A]Between coordinate clause joined by but, for
[B]Between hours and minutes to express them in figures
[C]After dependent clauses
[D]Between words in a series

10. Communication among the members of a group leads to group decisions. If these decisions are to beeffective, a group’s members must be able to communicate freely and openly with all the other members of the group. If communication fails that may lead to conflict. When dealing with dysfunctional group members, the team leader should
[A]Lay down rules in an opening statement
[B]Stare at them until they are quiet
[C]Eject them from the meeting
[D]Place the unruly members at the end of the table or across from the leader

11. Effective communication is not just about talking and listening. In an organization it is largely aboutbuilding team-oriented relationships marked by co-operation, honesty and mutual respect. In today’s business world the success of an organization to a great extent depends on which of the following skills of the workforce to establish a positive work environment?
[A]Risk-taking abilities
[B]Interpersonal skills

12. When we hear, we only perceive sounds, but when we listen, this hearing is accompanied by adeliberate and purposeful act of the mind. To listen means to get meaning from what is heard. One may hear the words another person utters, without really understanding them. Emotionally charged words or messages can interfere with listening because
[A]They put the speaker in a bad light
[B]They may insult the listener
[C]They cause the listener to focus on the emotion
[D]They cause the listener to focus on the message

13. People listen for various purposes. Sometimes they listen because they enjoy what they arelistening. Depending on the purpose, a listener adopts various approaches. In one of the listening approaches, it entails supportive behavior that tells the speaker, “I understand. Please go on.” This approach is called
[A]Content listening
[B]Critical listening
[C]Empathic or active listening
[D]Sustained listening

14. We all know that a sentence can broadly be divided into two parts. In a sentence, the __________makes an assertion about or describes an action involving the subject

15. Nonverbal communication signals can completely alter the message that you communicate. Inresponse to an idea Murty states during a meeting, Mohan makes a "thumbs up" gesture. Mohan's action functions to
[A]Control and regulate the communication taking place
[B]Contradict Murty's expressed idea
[C]Substitute for saying "I like your idea"
[D]Indicate that the idea is offensive

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