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Business Communication Quiz - 29 (MBA Papers)

1. When business people speak of reports, they are, in general, thinking of written, factual accountsthat objectively communicate information about some aspect of the business. In which of thefollowing ways, a problem in the report can be defined?
[A]It shapes the solution you find
[B]It is unimportant
[C]It is determined by the length of your document
[D]It is usually determined solely by your boss

2. All business communicators face the problem of compressing complicated, closely related ideasinto a linear message that proceeds sequentially from point to point. People simply do not remember disassociated facts and figures, so successful communicators rely on organization tomake their messages meaningful. Well organized message has many benefits, which of thefollowing is not one of them?
[A]It makes the message more acceptable to the audience
[B]It saves the audience's time
[C]It ensures that the audience will agree with the message
[D]It helps the audience understand the message

3. When you received a request from your client you felt that it is not reasonable. Hence, you havegiven reasons for refusing and have written that “I am sure that you will agree with our decision”.Is it appropriate?
[A]Yes, as long as you had no choice about making the decision
[B]Yes, because it will prevent psychological resistance
[C]No, because the client will then feel silly for having made the request
[D]No, because you should not assume that you know how the reader feels

4. The ability to communicate bad news as delicately and clearly as possible is an essential business skill. A skill manager will attempt to say “no” in such a way that the reader supports the decisionand is willing to maintain and continue a positive relationship with the company. Which of the following is an example of a buffer?
[A]Thank you very much for interest you have shown in our program
[B]“Please send information regarding room availability in your hotel for the week of July 2”
[C]“I'm sorry your request for a product replacement cannot be fulfilled”
[D]“Please accept the enclosed payment for invoice #456-90”

5. You are working as a finance manager in a manufacturing firm. You have requested one of yourassistant managers to give you a report. While going through the report you found a mistake.Hence, you have decided to call him and tell him about the mistake. When you are criticizing or correcting your assistant manager, it is best to
[A]Focus on what your assistant manager can do to improve
[B]Emphasize your assistant manager’s mistake so that he or she will not make the same mistake again
[C]Call a spade a spade and call attention to your assistant manager’s failures or shortcomings
[D]Make your assistant manager an example for everyone else to learn from

6. It may be unethical to omit negative information from a recommendation if
[A]The information is well-known in the workplace
[B]The information is true and relevant
[C]The applicant asks you to do so
[D]The position is a high-ranking one

7. Suppose, you have approached a local industry to persuade them to provide funds for the school to be constructed for the poor kids in the locality. How do you stimulate the owner of the localindustry to respond positively to your request?
[A]Remind them that their reputation will be in jeopardy if they don't honor your request
[B]Reveal the consequences of other businesses that did not honor similar request
[C]Make your complaint emotionally hard-hitting so that the audience is persuaded to honor your request
[D]Appeal to their sense of goodwill and give them some positive reasons to honor your request

8. Recently you have seen an advertisement of Wipro in Times of India for the position of a systems analyst. You have prepared a resume, written an attractive application letter. What should be thefirst step in organizing your application letter?
[A]Develop your major qualifications in detail
[B]State that you are applying for the job
[C]Ask for an interview
[D]Develop your other qualifications, even if the ad doesn’t ask for them

9. A memo is a written message designed to provide a quick, convenient way for personnel tocommunicate with each other. Which of the following is not a standard part of a memo?
[D]Name of the recipient

10. Informal communication increases when official channels are closed or when the organizationfaces periods of change, excitement, or anxiety. Instead of trying toeliminate the grapevine, sophisticated companies minimize its importance by making certain that the official word gets out.But, some executives are wary of informal communication channels, possibly because they
[A]Fear the spread of misinformation
[B]Believe only formal channels are efficient carriers of information
[C]Object to casual conversations on company time
[D]Fear a loss of their control over the flow of information

11. You have identified the position for which you would like to apply. You have prepared aneffective resume. The next step is to write a letter of application. In which of the following sections of your application letter, you ask the reader for a specific action?
[A]Closing section
[B]Middle section
[C]Opening section
[D]Formal section

12. A memo is a written message designed to provide a quick convenient way for personnel tocommunicate with each other in the organization. The prerequisite of a good memo is, it should
[A]Be of at least a full page in length
[B]Include a salutation and formal close
[C]Use a formal, businesslike tone
[D]Stick to a single topic

13. When listening to your superior on the job
I. Never convey your ignorance by asking "dumb" questions to clarify instructions.
II. Show your interest by leaning forward.
III. Feel free to answer the phone if you receive a call.
IV. Rely on your memory for the details rather than take notes.
[A]Only (I) above
[B]Only (II) above
[C]Both (I) and (III) above
[D]Both (I) and (IV) above

14. __________ refers to the rising or falling inflection that tells you whether a group of words is aquestion or a statement; whether the speaker is uncertain or confident; or whether a statement issarcastic or sincere
[D]Tone of voice

15. When you are forced to listen to a quick succession of messages, then after a point your receptivitydulls. You find it gets impossible to listen attentively. Coping with a deluge of information is likejuggling - you can keep only a few things going at a time. This explanation signifies which of thefollowing barriers to listening?
[A]Physical distractions
[D]Message overload

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