Saturday, December 3, 2011

Managerial Economics Quiz - 11

1. The short run Average Cost (A.C.) curve is U shaped.

2. The subject matter of macro – economics includes the theory of income and employment at an individual level.

3. The sum of total fixed costs and total variable costs is the total cost.

4. The supply curve slopes downwards from left to right.

5. The supply of factory made goods of daily consumption is inelastic.

6. The wage and salary earners who get fixed income in terms of money are benefited during inflation.

7. There are no real exceptions to the law of demand

8. There is considerable slush money with politicians & Government servants.

9. There is no separation of ownership and management in case of a Joint Stock Company.

10. There never was in any country at any time 'pure capitalism' or 'pure communism.'

11. To solve the unemployment problem, the level of effective demand must decrease.

12. Under perfect competition single seller can influence the price.

13. Under perfect competition there are large number of buyers and few sellers.

14. Under perfect competition, price is determined by the interaction of total demand and total supply in the market.

15. Under perfect competition,firms are free to enter and exit in the market.

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