Monday, December 19, 2011

Business Law Quiz - 8

1. No company shall be registered by a name which, in the opinion of the central government is undesirable.

2. No consent is required to be obtained from other partners for retirement of a partner.

3. No consideration is required in formal contracts

4. No consideration is required in formal contracts.

5. Partners can decide their rights and liabilities in the partnership deed.

6. Partnership has to be perpetual and cannot be at will of the partners

7. Partnership is a species (extension) of law of agency

8. Partnership is an association of three or more persons formed to run the business and share the profits earned in the business.

9. Partnership is nothing but a psychological relationship existing between the partners.

10. Persons who have entered into partnership with one another are called individually partners and they are collectively "a firm"

11. Presumptions do not apply where an instrument is obtained by fraud, offence or illegal consideration.

12. Publication of prospectus is not at all necessary for the companies for raising the capital from public.

13. Quantum Meruit means, “as much as earned”.

14. Railway or S.T. Receipts, Dividend, Warrants, Railway Bonds are not Negotiable Instrument.

15. Ratification can be only for a part of the act of the agent.

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