Saturday, November 26, 2011

Project Management Quiz - 42

1. All the techniques described below can be used to keep a meeting focused except:
[A]Recall agenda items/purpose of meeting
[B]Summarize discussion periodically
[C]Encourage pursuit of interesting new ideas
[D]Rephrase unclear ideas presented by group members
[E]All are acceptable techniques

2. Approval to proceed is normally made at the end of the _____ phase of a typical project.

3. Management by Objectives (MBO)
[A]is a method used to evaluate personnel by objectively comparing them to common performance standards
[B]requires a supervisor and a subordinate to jointly establish performance objectives
[C]should be the responsibility of the organization's personnel department
[D]should always involve the establishment of objectives that are quantifiable
[E]B and D

4. Project Risk _____ .
[A]should not be calculated for small projects.
[B]is the probability of each risk event minus the sum of the consequences of potential risk events.
[C]is the cumulative effect of uncertain occurrences which will adversely affect project objectives.
[D]cannot be quantified for first time projects.
[E]B or D

5. Resource leveling _____.
[A]Allocates resources to activities to find shortest schedule within fixed resource limits.
[B]Smoothes out resource requirements by rescheduling activities within their float time.
[C]Smooths out resource requirements by substituting activities with unassigned resources.
[D]Attempts to reduce resource requirements within a constraint on project duration
[E]B or D

6. Variables quality data are:
[A]quantitative or qualitative data
[B]quality data for which the product or service is designed and built
[C]reflect measurements on a continuous scale of a characteristic of the produce or service.
[D]Indicate management's understanding of the concept of variability
[E]B and C only

7. Five people are involved on a project that requires significant communication between all project participants. How many lines of communication exist on this project?

8. A project may be defined as _____
[A]an integrated approach to managing projects
[B]a coordinated undertaking of interrelated activities.
[C]a group of activities directed by a project manger over a life cycle
[D]an undertaking with a defined starting point and defined objectives
[E]All of the above.

9. Quality control charts show a characteristic of the product or service against:
[A]the specification limits
[B]customer requirements
[C]control limits based on three standard deviations in each direction
[D]control limits based on six standard deviations in each direction
[E]A and D only

10. The performance review interview is a vital component of any personnel evaluation system. Which of the following is not a characteristic of an effective personnel evaluation interview?
[A]Performed by a supervisor who has adequately prepared for the interview
[B]Discusses the employee's future performance goals
[C]Discusses the employee's undesirable personality traits
[D]Completed during a single, uninterrupted block of time
[E]Focuses on a limited number of topics so that each topic can be discussed in detail

11. Which may be employed to shorten a schedule without changing the scope of the task?
[A]Fast tracking.
[C]Releasing resources earlier from tasks which were scheduled with a late start.
[D]Alter to task priorities.
[E]A or B

12. "Fast-tracked" projects awarded and begun before all planning and risk assessment information is complete and available may _____ .
[A]be completed in reduced overall time than other projects.
[B]be in a higher risk category than other projects.
[C]not be compatible with project risk and assessment
[D]A and B
[E]All of the above.

13. 100 % inspection of output is:
[A]the best proven method to ensure quality
[B]is expensive, ineffective approach to quality management
[C]can never be, justified
[D]can still leave some defects undetected
[E]B and D only

14. A summary WBS is usually developed in the
[A]Conceptual phase
[B]implementation phase
[C]planning phase
[D]close-out phase
[E]All of the above phases

15. Management by objectives assumes that the team
[A]is receptive to an unstructured environment.
[B]does not require close supervision
[C]possesses a self-fulfillment philosophy
[D]all of the above
[E]A and C

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