Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Project Management Quiz - 31

1. From an operating or functional perspective, there are various objectives of purchasing and materials management. Which is not one of these objectives?
[A]To buy competitively
[B]To support company operations with an uninterrupted flow of materials and services
[C]To develop reliable and effective sources of supply
[D]To achieve maximum integration with the other departments of the firm
[E]To attain approval from each department of every purchase

2. In order to achieve long-term quality improvements, management must do the following:
[A]Motivate the employees with seminars, contests, and institute programs such as "Quality Improvement' day.
[B]Create a quality control department and give the head of the department ultimate responsibility for quality improvement.
[C]Implement of a formal quality control program with worker and management involvement.
[D]Establish financial incentive packages for worker.
[E]A and D

3. Team members want to work for a project manager that can provide them with career path planning. In which organizational form is career path planning difficult for project employees?
[B]Pure project
[C]Project coordinator
[D]Project expediter

4. The swiftest and most effective communications take place among people with
[A]common points of view
[B]dissimilar interests
[C]advanced degrees
[D]the ability to reduce perception barriers
[E]good encoding skills

5. Typically, during which phase in a project life cycle are most of the project expenses incurred.
[A]Concept phase
[B]Development of design phase
[C]Execution phase.
[D]Termination phase.
[E]None of the above

6. Communication always makes use of.
[E]All of the above.

7. Fixed-price contracts place more risk on the _____ .
[D]B and C
[E]All of the above.

8. The best way to insure quality conformance is to _____.
[A]distribute the responsibility to subordinates.
[B]maintain total control.
[C]train each worker to implement the work.
[D]inspect quality into the project.
[E]None of the above.

9. The project charter is developed by:
[A]senior management
[B]the customer
[C]the project manager
[D]both A and C
[E]None of the above.

10. When a project manager is running over the budgeted costs, the project manager can typically _____ to attempt to get the project back on budget.
[A]Reduce features and/or functionality
[B]Increase risk.
[C]Incur a schedule slippage (to obtain more favorable pricing due to lengthened delivery times)
[D]All of the above.
[E]A and B only

11. Which of the following fall(s) under the responsibilities of a project manager?
[A]Labor relations with project personnel
[B]Affirmative action
[C]Personnel training
[D]Discrimination and equal employment opportunity
[E]All of the above

12. A legally binding document offered unilaterally is a _____ .
[A]purchase order
[B]scope of work description
[C]contract stipulation
[D]level of effort proposal
[E]request for proposal

13. A technical requirement has which of the following characteristics:
[A]easy to understand
[B]a communication tool between the user and the design team
[C]written in non-technical language
[D]developed in cooperation with the user
[E]typically describe physical dimensions and performance requirements

14. If a project manager communicates a verbal message to a subordinate, and the subordinate leaves without saying a word, the project manager should assume:
[A]the message was understood
[B]the message was not understood
[C]the subordinate discarded the information
[D]the information was not appropriate
[E]None of the above.

15. Inspection of a complex project according to specifications is accomplished by _____.
[A]inspection by attributes.
[B]cyclical inspection
[C]quality conformance inspection
[D]original inspection
[E]None of the above.

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