Saturday, October 29, 2011

Project Management Quiz - 19

1. The logical relationship that communicates a delay between the start/finish of one activity and the start/finish of another activity is referred to as:
[B]Free float.
[C]Restricted float.
[D]Level float.

2. Which of the following actions is an example of risk response:
[A]adjust project parameters (scope, time, quality ...)
[B]reduce the probability of potential project risk events
[C]reduce the consequences of potential project risk events
[D]wait until a problem actually happens, then deal with it in the most effective and efficient manner.
[E]A, B and C only

3. A comparison of completion status to baseline is referred to as _____.
[A]Earned value measurement.
[B]Percent complete.
[E]None of above.

4. An example of coercive power would be:
[B]Reduction in wages
[C]Disciplinary layoff
[E]All of the above

5. Job descriptions are examples of ______communications.
[E]None of the above

6. Monte Carlo simulation:
[A]Was originally developed by Dr. Carlo
[B]Is a European technique for assessing project risks
[C]assumes the future risk events will occur at random according to predetermined probability distributions
[D]is a technique to stimulate create risk event resolution
[E]A, B and C only

7. The Pareto Principle is a technique used to determine which quality control problems in a particular process should be corrected. Which of the following statements best represents the philosophy employed by this principle?
[A]In order to minimize financial losses from quality control problems, all problems which have a measureable cost should be corrected
[B]the majority of defects are caused by a small percentage of the identifiable problems. Improvement efforts should be reserved for these vital problems.
[C]in order to achieve zero defects, all quality control problems, including those which do not have a direct financial cost should be corrected.
[D]generally, 80% of the quality control problems are justifiable for correction via cost-benefit analysis. The remaining 20% are not financially worthy of improvement efforts.
[E]A and D

8. The WBS is:
[A]An organization oriented family tree of the project.
[B]A task oriented family tree of the project.
[C]A cost centered structure of the project.
[D]Only required on large complex projects where separately identifiable work packages are difficult to construct.
[E]None of the above.

9. Which of the following processes allow an unsuccessful bidder to seek remedy for contract award to another bidder.
[A]bid protest
[B]bid review
[C]award Protest
[D]award review
[E]any of the above processes can be used

10. A project team member submits a suggestion on how to improve the corporate procurement process. This is an example of _____ communication
[E]None of the above.

11. Financial compensation is the primary motivational tool for which of the following management theories of programs.
[A]Zero-defects program.
[B]theory X management.
[C]theory Y management.
[D]Quality control circles.
[E]A and C

12. In which of the following contract types is it easier to change the scope of the contract:
[A]firm fixed price
[B]fixed price plus incentive fee
[C]cost plus percentage of cost
[D]letter contract
[E]None of the above.

13. Planning activities such that predetermined resource availability pools are not exceeded is called:
[A]Resource leveling.
[B]Manpower leveling.
[C]Resource limited planning.
[D]Manpower planning.
[E]Manpower contingency planning.

14. The project charter:
[A]Expresses upper management commitment to the project.
[B]Provides that authority by which the project will be run.
[C]Establishes that organizational structure with the project.
[D]Specifies overall objectives and timeframe of the project.
[E]All of the above.

15. Which of the following areas are addressed in risk identification:
[D]All of the above.
[E]A and B only

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