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Monday, April 2, 2012

Computer Questions for Bank PO and Clerical Recruitment Exams(Computer Quiz - 8)

1. What type of device is a computer monitor?

2. Which command lists files in MS-DOS?

3. What type of device is a computer printer?

4. Who co-founded Hotmail in 1996 and then sold the company to Microsoft?
[A]Sabeer Bhatia
[B]Vinod Dham
[C]Ada Byron Lovelace
[D]Steve Jobs

5. What type of devices are computer speakers or headphones?

6. "INI" extension refers usually to what kind of file?
[A]Image File
[B]Media File
[C]Music File
[D]System File

7. Where does most data go first within a computers memory hierarchy
[B]Hard Disk

8. What is the capacity of a standard PC floppy?
[A]2 MB
[B]4 MB
[C]1.44 MB
[D]1 MB

9. Which of the following is not a Unix or Linux variant ?
[B]Suse Linux

10. What is a clock cycle?
[A]It is time difference from GMT
[B]CPU Processing Speed
[C]The Accuracy Of A Computer
[D]None of the above

11. Which media holds more information?
[B]Floppy Disk
[D]All are same

12. All computers must have
[A]Operating System
[B]Image Processing Software
[C]Word Processing Software
[D]None of the above

13. "MPG" extension refers usually to what kind of file?
[A]Image File
[B]Document File
[C]Animation/Movie File
[D]Spreadsheet File

14. A CPU stands for what?
[A]Central Power Unit
[B]Central Power Utility
[C]Central Processing Unit
[D]Central Processing Utility

15. Malicious software is known as: